Friday, October 29, 2010

Wedding Planning is Scary

In light that Halloween is just around the corner, I was inspired to share
how wedding planning can be scary with a fun short story! 

Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Boy gets on one knee and presents Girl with a blue box. As she opens the box, Boy ask Girl to marry him. Fighting back tears, she says Yes! Boy and Girl can't wait to tell friends and family about their engagement. Boy and Girl are about to embark on the scariest experience of their lives, planning a wedding.

The Girl turns into a Bride. The Bride's terror begins with a checklist that never ends. Excitement quickly turns to Anxiety. She will be bombarded with decisions. What kind of Dress? How Many Bridesmaids? Where is your Venue? What are your Colors? Pink or Peach? Before she conquers even a few items on the ever growing to do list, she will need a Therapist.

The Boy turns into a Groom. The news brings terror to his friends. After he endures endless hours of horror stories the wedding aisle doesn't look so sweet. Trick or Treat he wonders? He hears the frighting screams about sex ending after marriage and how possessive a wife becomes. He now comes home to Bridezilla who is stressed and angry. Before he has time to think, he wants to put the blue box back on the shelf.

Bride and Groom will try to enjoy the events surrounding the wedding. Having dealt with fighting relatives, broken contracts, frazzled bridesmaids, and growing budgets, it is no wonder that couples are so frightened while planning their wedding.

Some feel like calling it quits. Others secretly wish they could elope. And others just keep it all bottled up inside. Weddings are Frightening! Weddings can be good, bad and down right Scary! So Brides, resist the inner Bridezilla and Grooms, keep your Prince Charming costume on!

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