Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Explanation

"Wedding Daze"

Day 2: She knew He was the One

Day 7: He told me He Loved Me

Day 3,650: He asked Me to Marry Him

Day 3,834: We Are Getting Married

For those of you who are not math savvy, 3,650 days is ten years later.
Yes, a decade later we are finally tying the knot!  

Day 2: I knew He was the One
Clayton is amazing. He is my best friend. He is one of those guys that you just can’t help but love to be around. Did I mention that he has a smile and dimples that could break any girl’s heart? I love his passion and his drive. He is a very talented Architect, sports enthusiast, and always puts me first. His faith and love for family are his foundation. We are both fortunate to love our jobs and we love to smile everyday!

You might be asking, why ten years? Why wait so long? I am not exactly sure why he waited so long, bu I have my theories of course! It has been the roller coaster ride of lifetime. I honestly feel we are smarter, stronger, and appreciate each other more now than we would have if we had gotten married from day one. I can’t say it has been easy and it certainly wasn’t painless but our love has endured and we always come back to each other.

Day 7: He Told Me He Loved Me
Clayton is two years older than I am. After high school he went into the United States Navy to become a Navy Seal. We started dating while he was on leave from the military. Those Summer days and nights were never long enough. One afternoon Clayton decided to make me breakfast. French toast and eggs. To this day he still makes the best breakfast! We were in his mom’s kitchen cooking and laughing and he turned to me and said I love you. Don’t forget that I knew from day two that I wanted to spend eternity with him so I was quick to tell him I loved him back.

Day 3,650: He asked Me to Marry Him
It is hard to surprise a girl that you have been dating for ten years and knows that you bought a ring. Clayton tried to surprise me a few times and finally on what he calls “plan D” he proposed.

Clayton had made me believe that he did not have my ring yet. He picked me up from work on my birthday and sincerely apologized that I would not be getting my ring this week. He even brought me to tears with his apology. We had decided to go eat at my favorite Mexican food restaurant in Ft. Worth for dinner. As we are driving in the wrong direction to the restaurant, he pulls into the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens.

He is texting and is on the phone and by now I know something is up. We drive around a few times to find a parking space and get out at the large rose garden. He grabs the cupcakes that he brought with us and we head down the beautiful stairs that lead to the lawn that we often picnic at. Instead he leads me to a bench and we sit. At this point I get a little nervous. I think he might ask me here. His hand was shaking a little and it was just an awkward situation. We finally got up and started walking around the gardens. We saw Josh and Cassandra, Clayton's brother and sister in law, and their baby walk up. My first thought was they were here to document the proposal but they had the baby so it quickly went to well maybe they are just here for cupcakes and dinner. We all walked over to an area by the water. Cassandra had brought a lovely picnic blanket and she laid it down and we got out the cupcakes.

Clayton lights a candle and placed it on a pink cupcake. Everyone sang happy birthday and then Clayton wanted to take pictures. At this point I knew what was happening. Clayton never wanted to take pictures! We took a couple of photos and then he got down on one knee.

Everyone always says they do not remember the next part of where he actually proposes. I unfortunately do not either. I heard "you have been a blessing for the past ten years….and it would be an honor if you would marry me." I just nodded. I didn’t even say yes. He grabbed my right hand and I quickly gave him my left! He put the ring on my finger and I kissed him. It was a surreal moment.
On our way home from dinner my mom called. I think she knew before I even picked up the phone. I told her that we were engaged and she said she was happy for us and she figured he might do it tonight. She handed the phone over to my Dad. I said, Clayton and I are engaged! He said “I wondered if you would say yes or no.” “I said yes” with a giggle. While I was talking to my dad, all I could picture was the little girl on the Father of the Bride movie saying "daddy we getting married." It was a great start to our engagement and the next step of planning the wedding!

Day 3,850: We Are Getting Married
So here is our story. My wedding daze. The journey about experiencing ‘wedding daze’ and documenting ‘the days’ leading up to our wedding. I hope you enjoy the ride with us!


  1. Oh man you got me all emotional... Congratulations happy for you :-)

  2. Aww! Thanks Teena! Dont you love telling your love story? I dont think it ever gets old :)

  3. I actually tell Jason to tell the story :-) I love to just sit back and watch him narrate.
