Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Marriage Tool Belt: Compromise

Marriage Tool Belt: Compromise

Ring shopping started with a fight but ended with a compromise. Because of the fight we allowed ourselves to dig deeper into our relationship and discussed what we each wanted not only out of our marriage but out of our lives as a family in general.

Fighting is never fun, but when it ends in learning more about your relationship and making a compromise with each other, that leads to growth and even makes the fight worth it. Our ring shopping experience was not what either of us expected, but we did learn a lesson. It brought us closer together and we made a compromise that works for both us which I know will be a great tool in our marriage tool belt.


  1. That is so true... life would get quite boring if it was always so "perfect". The arguments are so worth it especially when you resolve it, and learn something new about each other :-)
