Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Transition

Even though I have not got to post as much as I would like, I still have been jotting thoughts and experiences down in my journal. I hope to share them soon when I can find more time to blog! Today's post is from a few notes I wrote in my journal back in July on the last night of our family vacation in Florida.

With the holidays just around the corner, it has reminded me again of the transition that happens as a 'bride to be'. Society often overwhelms newly engaged women with 'Congratulations!' and "When is the Big Day?" There is an expectation that your engagement is supposed to be the 'happiest' time of your life.

Any feeling less than euphoric, sends many brides into a state of anxiety and confusion. However, the engagement period is one of the most significant psychological transitions in a woman's life. This transition is more complex than simply taking a new last name but involves many stages and emotions that prepare us to take the next step in becoming a wife. Brides often ignore these feelings and instead distract themselves with wedding planning and frivolous details.

This will be my last Christmas as a single woman. In July, I really embraced the fear and feeling of loss during our family vacation. For all of you lovely brides who may have had similar feelings or your entire engagement process has not been blissful but have ranged from a variety of emotions, this vulnerable excerpt from my journal is for you. May you embrace your emotions and the transition into the next stage of our life in becoming a wife.

"Tonight is a bitter sweet evening. Tonight is the last night of our annual family vacation only this year is the last year that it will just be my family. The next time we go on vacation I will no longer just be a daughter but I will also be a wife.

I have tried to soak in every moment this week. Tonight at dinner I took it all in, the smiles and the laughs and just being a daughter and sister. As I write in my journal, tears stroll down my face. Tears of sadness and tears of joy, maybe even tears of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of change.

I sit tonight with the voice of the ocean and feel overwhelming love. Love of family, love of God, and love for a man that I can’t wait to spend my life with.

This week I felt like a child again and life felt simple. Days on the beach with my family are a memory I will always cherish and remember. I woke up to both my parents already awake and getting the beach gear ready for the day. The blue cooler filled with soda and water, plastic baggies filled with nutter butters, the bright beach chairs, ugly towels and sunscreen. I take off my beautiful diamond ring and place it on my night stand in a small pocket in my pink makeup bag. After putting on my swimsuit and sunscreen everyone is ready to go. My brother politely carries my chair, my sister grabs hers and we are off to the beach.

As we sit on the beach, my dad lounging underneath the umbrella, my mom reading her book, and my brother and sister both on towels laying in the sand, I am reminded of this great week, the last week of family vacation as a single woman. Without the diamond on my left hand as a reminder, without a mirror to see my adult reflection, I feel as if I could be any little girl sitting next to her dad, not the 28 year old woman that has lived on her own for over a decade, earned a prestigious degree, runs a successful business and is about to start a family of her own.

Tonight is bitter sweet as I close a chapter and begin a new one. I am so grateful for the love of my parents and the love of my family. The nights we have shared laughing and spending time together are memories I should not be sad for but be hopeful that I can continue that love in the building of my own family. It is the goal of not leaving a family, but building a larger one that embraces the same love and friendship.

My heart knows that things will be different and I feel this is the main cause of my tears, again both of joy and of sadness. My heart almost feels a loss. A loss of what used to be, but the joy and hope that is in the next phase brings a surprising peace.

I leave this chapter with a letter to my family on my last night as just a daughter and a sister:

Dear Mom, Dad, Chandler and Cassidy,

Thank you for all the love and the memories as a family. Tonight is the last family vacation we will have just as the five of us. I can say that my heart is sad and tears have ended this day. Tonight as vacation ends, I feel as sense of loss as I will no longer be just a daughter or just a sister on the next vacation but I will also be a wife. The laughter and smiles and friendship we have shared I will value forever. I hope to think that our team of five is not ending but only that our future holds more team members and more love. I stopped tonight to embrace this moment and am overwhelmed by the gratitude and love I have for each of you. As we come to our last vacation as five I want each of you to know I love you and I am so proud to be a part of our family, as your daughter and your sister and your friend.

Love Always, Chelsey

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Wedding Cake

I have been so busy I have not got to blog hardly anything that has been happening!  I promise to start adding some details off all the planning over the next few weeks!

I first want to share a sneak peak of our wedding cake! Wedding cake design as become an art form. The wedding cake is a focal point of the wedding and often sets the style for the entire event. With so many options and having seen such a variety of cakes, this has been one of my biggest challenges!
As a wedding planner, I consider myself a 'wedding cake snob'. Yes, I said it! I am a cake snob!

It is my job and responsibility to taste the cake at every wedding. Most of the time that entails, tasting the Bride's cake and the Groom's cake! I mean, we have to know if it tastes good right?! I know it is a hard job, but someone has to do it!

Because of all the cake tasting, I am pretty picky when it comes to cake. Luckily, I work with the best and already knew at least one of the flavors for our wedding cake. It is called "Princess" cake and is hands down my favorite cake.

For the past few years, I have always preferred the "Princess" cake with Delicious Cake's signature cream cheese and butter cream icing mixed. My mouth starts watering just typing the words! This delicious duo is not too sweet and just sweet enough to make the perfect icing. I didn't think it could get any better than this until last year one my brides wanted to add a lemon flavor to her cake. Delicious Cakes added a touch of lemon mouse to the already perfected "Princess" cake and ooh la la! My new favorite cake! I can't wait to enjoy our yummy cake on the wedding day! Until then, its protein and greens!

Butch and Ruthie Stivers, owners of Delicious Cakes, have been wonderful friends and business colleagues for many years. I would say almost 90% of our brides choose them because they are truly the best! Butch is extremely talented. He brought me a few ideas and I loved them! The cake he put together is exactly what I had envisioned, except it is even better! I am truly honored that Butch has named the cake in honor of me. After the wedding, our gorgeous cake will be featured at the Dallas Bridal Show, with the name "Chelsey" for other brides to admire or use as their own wedding cake! Stay tuned for the big reveal!

Cake tasting! As you can see we ate most of the Cake!

Butch working hard to design our beautiful cake!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The UPS Guy

I think the UPS guy thinks I like him.

I have ordered quite a few things for the wedding online and each time one arrives I get so excited! I think the UPS guy has taken this excitement as a personal gesture toward him. I think he may even believe I keep ordering things just so he can show up to my door! I may have to break the news to him if he asks me for my phone number!  

The good news is I have received so many amazing purchases. Here are just a few fabulous things I have ordered for the wedding!  Cant wait to show them off soon!

Napkins and Cookie Bags 

Wedding Shoes 

Mini Glass Trifle Set

Wedding Memory Book